What’s the deal with the crystal craze?
Crystals are much more than a simple trend. Sara Bryki, Crystal Educator and Owner of Bryki Gallery in Millersville said, “Unlike so many other things in our lives that are constantly in motion and changing, crystals help us co-create the depth and connection we’re craving. Connection to ourselves, in our relationships and communities, and with nature. They might be a trend, but crystals were around long before now and they’re not going anywhere”.

The idea behind crystal energy is that they come from the earth and are proven to have specific energy fields. Quartz is a common example that works as a natural amplifier to power watches, clocks, electronic devices, GPS equipment, and more. There’s also a spiritual component.
Maggie Griffin, Reiki Master, Chopra Certified Coach, and Psychic/Medium shared, “Crystals can, scientifically speaking, absorb energy; in doing so, crystals possess the potential to transmute energy into an electronic frequency we harness for the co-creation of healing. A vital key to using crystals is to be reminded they are a tool in healing, not the solution in our individual healing journey”.
One of the reasons people are drawn to crystals is that they’re beautiful. Sara Bryki said, “Choosing crystals to work with is a personal choice and opportunity to use your intuition. They’re going to talk to you by being visually attractive and you’ll want to reach out and touch them. When you touch a crystal, you’re inviting it into your energy field to communicate with and support you.” Although there isn’t a one-size-fits all guide to purchasing crystals and bringing them into your home, Sara gave us her top 5 recommendations for crystal beginners.
1. Satin Spar/Selenite – Provides a natural, purifying energy. The best way to bring this crystal into the home is with a lamp (larger sizes in-store). When you heat up a crystal, the incandescent light pushes the energy out further, covering an entire room.
2. Agate – Great for kids! This crystal provides support in handling anything life throws at you, and takes away underlying anxiety during challenging times. Another one to have in the bedroom as a lamp to create a serene and rejuvenating atmosphere.
3. Rose Quartz – The reminder busy moms need when taking care of everyone else around them… rose quartz supports you in self-love, compassion, and grace.
4. Hematite – Provides protection as well as a calm, grounding energy by absorbing negative energy.
5. Personal choices – “Use your intuition when selecting crystals to work with. It doesn’t have to be difficult. Remember, don’t discount the value of something that’s beautiful to you; there’s value simply in the beauty of it,” Sara explains.

If you’re interested in learning more about crystals, Bryki Gallery offers educational events monthly; check their website to learn more or to RSVP to the next event on Feb. 29 at 6pm, “Luminous Living: Transform Your Home With Crystals”.
Another great option for crystal shopping is Annapolis Crystals, a relative newcomer to Main Street in Annapolis, who offer a wide variety of crystals, jewelry, and events like the upcoming Aquarius New Moon Crystal Grid Workshop & Coffee Chat (Saturday, February 10, 10-11 a.m.).