You can thank the UK for many things, as Hugh Grant’s character in Love Actually says: “[We are] the country of Shakespeare, Churchill, the Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter…” Another to add to the list: Dry January, which began in 2013 as a campaign under the organization Alcohol Change UK.
After two months of overeating and drinking in the name of the holidays, you might want a reset. Participants of Dry January will experience many benefits, some of which are simply side effects of sober living. Here are a few to look forward to:
- A Clean Body
If you’re one of those people still telling themselves that a glass of red wine is good for heart health, let me be the one to tell you, it’s not. In fact, “no level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health,” according to the World Health Organization and they would know. Instead, opt for a mocktail with a Cane Collective mixer because better health is the reason 90% of people give for abstaining from alcohol for a whole month. Physical benefits include but are not limited to better sleep, improved skin, weight loss, more energy, stronger immune system, lower cholesterol, decreased diabetes risk, lower blood pressure and reduced levels of cancer related proteins in the blood. - A Clear Mind
It takes just a few days for the brain fog caused by alcohol to dissipate, which is present even if you’re only having 1-2 drinks a day. Once the fog has lifted, clarity is inevitable. Those keys you misplaced will turn up. Or perhaps you’ll create a plan of action for that project you’ve been putting off, not just because you have more energy, but because one of the many tips when sampling sobriety is to keep busy. Your intuition will be sharper and you will feel confident that you can trust it to guide you through life’s never-ending chaos. My personal research shows that alcohol is not great for that. - A Kind Spirit (pun intended)
This just in – alcohol causes anxiety. Removing alcohol will therefore lessen anxiety. You’re welcome. Overall, you can expect an improved mood to accompany your temporary sobriety if you set yourself up for success and with the sober curious movement expanding, you’ll find community and support in sober coaches, quit lit (books about living alcohol-free), Facebook groups, 12-step programs, and phone apps (Reframe: Drink Less & Thrive). When you lose alcohol, you gain authentic connection.
Only you have the power to give your body the recovery time it craves by participating in Dry January and, who knows, you may like the new you so much that you continue your newfound sobriety into Dry Feb (thanks Canada)!