Annapolis Moms invites you to give blood at the mobile blood drive on Sunday, September 15, from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
RSVP Here:
Read on for more FAQs and facts.
“Do I have to be young and healthy to give blood?”
There is no maximum age limit for donating blood; you can donate starting at age 17 and can then donate for the rest of your life. Most prescribed medications will not disqualify you as a blood donor either.
The reason that you were prescribed the medication could disqualify you, but if the condition is under control and you are healthy, donations are usually allowed.
“How do I need to prepare to give blood?”
Staying hydrated, getting a good night’s sleep, and eating high-iron foods the day before your donation will help you donate successfully. When you sign up, Luminis Health will send you an email with these reminders and a link to high-iron foods.
“How long will it take?”
The whole process from arrival to departure only takes about one hour. This includes your registration, a health check, the donation itself, and the brief recovery time.
“Will it hurt?”
The skilled medical practitioners at the blood drive van have tons of experience with the blood donation process, including the needle stick. It will only hurt a tiny bit and momentarily (at least, that’s what our donors tell us). After the first stick of the needle, you shouldn’t feel any pain.
“Will I feel sick or woozy afterward?”
Most people only require 10-15 minutes of rest and a light snack before they are ready to go about their day. This recovery time allows your body to adjust to the slight decrease in fluid volume.
“All right, I’m ready. What do I do next?”
Sign up for your open time slot here. [] Thank you for giving back to our community!
