This Women in Business Networking event in Annapolis is the perfect opportunity to connect with other like-minded female entrepreneurs in the area. Our event space is graciously donated by Annapolis …
This four-week acrylic painting class invites you to explore themes of coziness and warmth through colors, symbols like fire, and unconventional techniques. This isn’t about creating a masterpiece for a …
Don’t miss Women, Wine, & Wisdom! Join us for a half an hour of social time, networking, wine, and appetizers, followed by a market update with Ann M. Covington, CFP®, …
Don’t miss SpinSheet Skating Night! Come skate with sailors! Every year for 15 years we’ve invited sailors of all ages to come to “SpinSkate,” enjoy the winter weather, and make …
Don’t miss this Senior Sip and Social! Meet your neighbors and enjoy a hot beverage while participating in a fun activity at our monthly social hour. This Senior Sip and …
QUESTION: My 3rd grader has a very difficult time making and keeping friends, yet at the same time, she always wants play dates and is sad when kids don’t want …
Finding friends when your kid has none? Yikes, that sounds harsh! But it’s an honest situation that many parents find themselves in. For many people (especially the primary parent), the …