One Maryland One Book Discussion
Join us for coffee and dessert at Seoul Blues Cafe as we discuss this year’s One Maryland One Book pick! The pick is “What Storm, What Thunder” by Myriam J.A. …
Join us for coffee and dessert at Seoul Blues Cafe as we discuss this year’s One Maryland One Book pick! The pick is “What Storm, What Thunder” by Myriam J.A. …
The holidays are a festive, fun-filled time, but they can be overwhelming! In the midst of all the shopping, baking, wrapping, and celebrating…we can lose ourselves. Take some time for …
Families will enjoy books and songs about big feelings and how to take care of ourselves and each other at Big Feelings Storytime! Stick around afterwards for a fun craft …
Don’t miss Wyrd Bookstore‘s Anniversary Bash! They are coming on one year since they first opened their doors, and they are so excited to celebrate with the people who have …
Don’t miss Book or Treat! Kids, come in costume to enjoy storytimes with local authors, crafts, and games. Please help us prepare by RSVPing for each child attending. Adults, we …
Join us for an inspiring event with Katherine Haas, a longtime Annapolis resident of 50 years. Katherine will read excerpts from her book, “Little Jade”. Her book recounts her journey …
Antonia Hylton’s new book Madness: Race and Insanity at a Jim Crow Asylum explores the roots of Crownsville Hospital through eye-opening historical context and emotional stories of patients and families.The …
Top Picks for Readers and Moms Who Wanna Be The holiday shopping season is here! Like many busy moms, the toughest part of the gift-giving season is trying to figure …
NOVEMBER IS HERE! Like many busy moms, it’s time to open our Google calendars and sigh. Fall is in a new phase of busy with school events, parties, daylight savings …
“My child’s teacher said they are only reading at a level G and she’s supposed to be reading at a J…I don’t know what that means…can you help?!” The number …