If you live in a socially active neighborhood or have a sizable group of family and friends, then there is a better way to see the Lights on the Bay at Sandy Point State Park. One of my neighbors organized a group trolley trip to see the lights and it was so much fun. We had such a high demand of people wanting to do it in our neighborhood that she had to organize another date for a second group.
Two trolleys picked us all up in our neighborhood and took us to Sandy Point and through the light displays. This was certainly more fun for the kids than what we normally do as they get to experience this with lots of other friends on the trolley versus just being stuck in the car with us. Once we got to Sandy Point, they let the kids sit up by the front windshield.

After the lights the trolleys took us to downtown Annapolis where we had some time to walk around and get a hot chocolate and see the downtown all lit up. At the end, we got dropped back off at our neighborhood.
Our neighbor organized this great adventure through the Annapolis Bus Company. Each trolley was $300 and seated 25 people. By charging $16 a person she was able to cover the cost and have enough left over for tip and to pay the $30 per trolley entrance fee for the lights. Typically, they have 3 trolleys available but it depends on the night. Our trip was about two hours round-trip but you can schedule more time if needed.
Considering this tour included the lights which is a $20 cost normally, it was a great new way to experience without breaking the bank.
Customize and book your own trolley trip! Call: