Cape St. Claire Garden Club Plant Sale
May 17 @ 8:00 am - 8:15 pm
Don’t miss the Cape St. Claire Garden Club Plant Sale! Colorful annuals and flowering baskets, a variety of tomatoes, herbs, and veggie starts, sturdy Cape-grown perennials divided from our members’ gardens, and an exciting collection of native and novel perennials we bring to the Cape just for our sale—all at bargain prices! We give away free compost and mosquito dunks with every purchase. Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, and horticulture and pollinator experts in our ranks answer all your pressing questions. The Cape St. Claire Garden Club Plant Sale is a Cape tradition!
We accept cash/checks and credit cards. Your generous support goes to support all our activities over the year, including an educational speakers series, beautification of several neighborhood beds, service to our wider community, and scholarships for our members who choose to pursue further study.
Come join us! You can beautify your garden, bring food to the pollinators, add plant and insect diversity to the Chesapeake watershed, meet your neighbors and fellow plant-lovers, and support a local non-profit all in one fun event!